
Monday, September 29, 2014

Zombie Stories and Anthologies

If you like short fiction, there are some interesting  mags to put on your must-read list. And yes, they both include zombies. 

This is an interesting new anthology I just came across.

fictionriver-zombie detective

Fiction River: Fantastic Detectives (Fiction River: An Original Anthology Magazine Book 9) edited by noted authors Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch. (Check out the other issues in the series and upcoming at

About the anthology: 
Fantastic detectives come in many forms, from dogs to elves to eggs. (Yes, eggs.) And fantastic detective stories come in all mystery subgenres, from cozy to hard-boiled. (Remember. Eggs.) All of these forms and subgenres combine to create one of the most delightful additions to the Fiction River anthology series. 

Of note this issue: stories featuring New York Times bestseller Kevin J. Anderson’s popular zombie detective Dan Shamble and USA Today bestseller Dean Wesley Smith’s most beloved character, Poker Boy.

dark discoveries zombies

* A story on Shamble's zombie PI is also among the other great fiction and features in the Dark Discoveries #28 issue - Zombie Creature Feature

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Zombie Story Contest Closes Saturday

Something I just came across.

 The Zombie-Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest from Witty Bard Publishing closes Saturday. 

Stories must be: 
  * Original work only (no fan fiction or plagiarism)
* Previously unpublished. 
* Up to 9,000 words.
* Have no images within the documents
* No erotic content
* Either Zombie, Post-Apocalypse, or both - 2 submissions allowed.
Payment is a free copy, small royalty and other promotional prizes. See website for details. 
Submit stories here.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Plant a Zombie!

You know zombies are popular and gave gone mainstream, when you see this - yes, a Chia Zombie - Restless Arm! Too Funny!

The top head is Chia Zombie - Creepy Holden.

There also is a third female version, Chia Zombie - Lifeless Lisa. Lovely, isn't she?  One big happy undead family. haaa!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Color a Zombie cat!

Something fun and different!

Author Byron Rempel is offering free copies of his new zombie coloring book, The Dead Sketches, Vol. 1.

Simply color this zombie cat picture and post it at his Google page. He'll send you a link to the coloring book!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Talking About Zombies

Last Wednesday, I did an Ignite presentation in my home town.  It was probably one of the scariest things I have ever done.  Even though it was only five minutes long, it seemed like the longest five minutes of my life.  It was such a relief to be done.

I'm not normally shy when it comes to speaking in public.  I love doing library visits and talking to people about my work, but this was totally different.  It was so nerve wracking.  However, it did get me some further contacts after it was done.  Earlier this week, I received an email from Wyoming Public Radio saying that the Arts and Culture producer had seen my performance and they wanted me to read my essay on air.  It was awesome!

Since I only had five minutes to talk, I really had to distill my work down to the main essence.  That was hard to do.  I mean, the reason I write books is because I have a lot to say.  But at the same time, I really enjoyed the challenge.

So, I focused my talk on the stereotypes we apply to scientists and how they are portrayed in media, especially zombie books and films.  I used Frankenstein (the book), Day of the Dead, and 28 Days Later as examples, along with some fun pictures of scientist stereotypes.

Then, I took those ideas and applied them to the Ebola victims that were brought into the U.S.

This helped emphasize my point that most of us are afraid of science and scientists.  We know that science does some amazing things for us, but we are afraid it will be our downfall.  I mean, people freaked out when they were told these poor infected people were being brought into the U.S.  Some even became downright angry.  They were convinced Ebola was going to get into the population and kill everyone.  And that's because what we don't understand about science becomes evil and scary.

And this is what I focus on in Undead Obsessed.  How zombies are a metaphor for our fears of science.

I'm still waiting for the Ignite video and the radio broadcast to go up, but I will share them when they do.  Well, maybe I'll share the video.  You know how it is watching yourself on the screen.  *Shudder*

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

MF Wahl Talks Zombies and 'Disease'

Today author M.F. Wahl talks about writing gore and her new serialized novel, DISEASE - (Disease: Serial 1,) being released in six parts. (See Amazon author page.) (#1 releases Sept. 18)

About the book:


Humanity's war against the living dead has been lost. In the wake of the apocalypse, the living fight fiercely for what little they have.

In this hell-on-earth Casey, armed with a baseball bat, and joined by a mute boy named Alex, struggles to survive. When a man named Danny stumbles upon them, it's mistrust at first sight – but times are desperate. Danny leads them to a thriving settlement where danger lurks beneath the guise of kindness.

It's kill or be killed in a world where power is life, and the earth is overrun by walking dead.

 A Couple Questions:

What's different about the book?
Most zombie stories rely on the zombies to carry the plot line. While DISEASE still has plenty enough gore and zombies to satisfy, there is a deeper plot that is even more terrifying than the living dead could ever be.

What led her to write it?
First of all I'm a zombie enthusiast. I love the zombie genre as a whole. Secondly, I had a story to tell. DISEASE is a very dark and socially poignant tale that is perfectly highlighted against the background of a zombie apocalypse

 By M.F. Wahl

Writing horror is a passion of mine, and zombies are a deep love. Delving into the darker side of life (and there’s few things darker than a zombie apocalypse) helps me to exorcise many of my own demons. Nothing quite relieves the stress of a long day like destroying a character mentally and physically, but you might be surprised to learn that I’m not really all that into torture porn.

Although I understand that many zombie fans love a good book or movie that goes out of it’s way to be crazy, next level gross with the gore, it just doesn’t do it for me. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not an anti-gore writer, in fact my work often features vividly described scenes of death and dismemberment, but in order for me to enjoy the gore it has to be part of a deeper plot.

When I was writing my serialized novel DISEASE, the first installment of which is due out September 18th, 2014, I wanted to make sure to bridge the gap artfully between my taste for blood, and my taste for a good story. I couldn’t write something that would ultimately just be different set-ups for characters to find suffering. I had to write something that was meaningful and well thought out.

DISEASE takes place three years after the living dead have overrun the earth. In this world an easy pitfall for a writer is to become addicted to the goregasm. A goregasm is easy to write, and easy for the fans love. A zombie novel just isn’t a zombie novel without disgusting rotting corpses, spilled entrails, and horrifying flesh eaters en masse. Plus, nothing quite satisfies like seeing a man’s arms ripped slowly from their sockets and his blood misting over a mass of zombies, as they gorge on his flesh. I had to make sure when I was writing to let the story shine through all the caked and clotted blood and guts.

The thing about gore, to me anyway, is that gore is like a good slice of cake. A few pieces here and there are amazing, but if you eat only cake your entire life you’ll end up missing out on the vital nutrients in other foods. If I had focused too keenly on the gore in DISEASE, character development would have suffered, and the story would have fallen apart.

That’s not to say that DISEASE doesn’t contain any gore. On the contrary, the gore in DISEASE is plentiful and just as delicious as that aforementioned slice of cake, but the novel is a heady mixture of ingredients.  Each one of them enhances the reader’s experience. I made sure that every single bloody, grisly death came about organically, that it’s not just there for the sake of being there. This attention to detail makes the novel much more scary than if I had written scenes just for their shock value.

To me the use of gore is an art form. It should disgust the reader to a point, it should make the reader uncomfortable, and it should be used as a device on the characters to further along the plot. Gore for gore’s sake has its place, but in DISEASE I make it work for me, and in the end that means it’s working for you.

How do you feel about gore? Do you love it, can’t get enough of it, or do you reside in the less-is-more camp? Let me know in the comments below. And, if you’re interested in my book DISEASE it’s available as an eBook on Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, and more, and soon to be available in paperback. Head on over to for more information.

About the Author: As a child M.F. Wahl quickly ate through the local library’s entire sections on the paranormal, true crime, serial killers, magic, and hypnosis. By the age of 11  “IT” by Stephen King was the reading material of choice, hidden in a school desk (much to the dismay of one math teacher who wrote home that Wahl “read too much!”).

As an adult M.F. Wahl spends as much time writing as possible. Days are spent funneling creative energies into penning dark tales. Nights are spent watching horror movies and TV curled under a blanket with the family. At the end of the day when eyes finally close other people’s nightmares are fuel for M.F. Wahl’s dreams.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Author Showcase Sunday in Wisconsin

I'll be among among a group of authors signing books Sunday at the Author's Showcase at Andrea's Gifts, 2401 60th St., Kenosha, WI. (See their Facebook page.)

The event will be held from 12-2 p.m. for National Literacy Month!  See you there!

Authors participating include:

Suzanne Simonvich, Forty Poems for Restless Nights

Louise Suzanne Boyd, Journey to the Rainbow

Jeanie Le Claire, Reunions II: Life Goes On

Mary Jo Scheibel (Casey Clifford), Black Ribbon Affair

Karen Franco, Just Hold My Hand

Jennifer Miller-Hovan, This Van is NOT a Garbage Can!

Norma Lundstrom, All Families Are Special

Sandra Nowicki, Sparkles the Christmas Pony

Dave Gourdox, Ojibway Valley

Myself, GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie

Christian Larsen, Losing Touch

Zombie Book Swag Giveaway!

Have you read GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie ? How about a review?

Like the book? I'm hosting a giveaway -  

The goal? Help me reach 25 or more reviews!!!

Simple - the name of everyone who does a new review on Amazon will be put in the barrel to win a swag package which includes a zombie brain necklace, eye keychain, magnet, bookmark and sticker. I'll probably throw in a few more Halloween goodies, too.

Review the book here - and comment in this post that you did your review! Help me reach 25 or more reviews!  Be sure to include an email to reach you!  Open to Oct. 31, 2014.

Also: ** Get it in Print & Kindle  - US  ** 
Canada     China     * France  * Germany  India Italy     *  Japan      Spain    * UK 

  Learn more about how Becca copes with her new "life" as a part-Z in GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie at my website.
    What happens when you're 16 and turn part-zombie? Can things be worse??

Monday, September 15, 2014

ZOctober Zombie event is coming!

ZOctober 2014 is right around the corner! 

Oct. 1- Nov. 1  - a month of zombie authors and giveaways at My Book Addiction-ZOctober!  
(See event page on Facebook for schedule.)

 ** I'm up on Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. - join me for a chat!
Look who else is coming:

Friday, September 12, 2014

Busy Week, New Zombie Book

We've all been busy here this week. I'm sharing a hint on my latest zombie book - now DONE! I'm working on the synopsis now.... It involves zombies, history and a famous crime...

(Image: b. yiflach,

  You can still read about a zombie girl in GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie   

           What happens when you're 16 and turn part-zombie?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Zombie Book Monday!

She's 16, and part-zombie -- what could be worse?

Set in Wisconsin and in Chicago...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Zombie Reviewers

If anyone is interested, we're looking for reviewers to read the ARC of Undead Obsessed.  We have a secret group on Facebook where the pdf is located, so if you're interested, let me know.  My email is pembrokesinclair[@]hotmail[dot]com.

I had a lot of fun writing this book, and I got to talk to various experts in the field.  I'm lucky to live in a town with a university, so I had access to several different professors.  I also got to talk to experts at the water treatment and waste water treatment plants.  I even talked with people at the CDC.  The research  for this book alone was exciting.

I can't wait to share this book with the world.  I'm pretty proud of it, and I hope readers will enjoy it.  Again, if you're interested in checking it out before anyone else, let me know!