
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Chase Zombies in Utah!

Zombies are coming to Utah!  Run, baby, run!

Every year, Utah hosts the Zombie Chase, a 5K Obstacle course with a unique feature--zombies.  In addition to real and man-made obstacles for runners to scale, volunteers dressed as the undead will shamble on after you.  They also have a paintball court, where you have the chance to take out the zombies in a live-action carnival style game.  They also raise money for charities and collect shoes for Africa.

I took my boys last year, and they ran while I had a book signing.  They had a great time, and everyone got T-shirts!  Here's a video. 

This year's race will be held in the ghost town Eureka, UT starting at dusk.

If you live in Utah, don't miss this opportunity to chase or be chased by zombies... a ghost town....


Details at:

** And check out other zombie events...

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