
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mary Poppins vs. the Walking Dead

A group I'm in starting talking about mash-ups and someone came up with Mary Poppins Meets the Walking Dead.  I think she'd sing a song something like this:

In each undead we must put down
An element of fun is found
You find the fun and whack!
The undead don’t come back

Those who spurned the undertaker
We will send to meet their maker.
A lark!  A spree!  It’s very clear to see that

A shovelfull of kickass makes the zombie hoard go down
The zombie hoard go down, the zombie hoard go down
Just a shovelfull of kickass makes the zombie hoard go down
In a most exciting way!

A man who’s defending his nest
As very little time to rest
While taking out the shambling undead.
Though he’s knee-deep in their gore
He’s ready to take on more.
He knows to stop would be death of Pop


A shovelfull of kickass makes the zombie hoard go down
The zombie hoard go down, the zombie hoard go down
Just a shovelfull of kickass makes the zombie hoard go down
In a most exciting way!

(Interlude, courtesy of Walking Dead—much gunfire and people screaming as they do something stupid and pay fatally for it)

Intrepid moms that fetch the food
From the ransacked grocery stores
Always go well-armed and cautiously
‘Cause as they’re filling up their packs
A zombie could sneak ‘hind their backs
And hence (Look out)
They find (Oh, no!)
Double shots work fine

Aaaaaaahhhhhh!  Whew!


A shovelfull of kickass makes the zombie hoard go down
The zombie hoard go down, the zombie hoard go down
Just a shovelfull of kickass makes the zombie hoard go down
In a most exciting way!

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