
Monday, July 28, 2014

Zombie Book & Horror Fiction News

A new feature - a round up of what's going on in the zombie book and horror fiction world. Share your news! Contact me at chrisATcverstraeteDOTcom or use the contact form on the website.

* Author Tonia Brown has some great free fiction on her website. The Wages of Sin is a creepy must-read!

* A big congrats to Dana Fredsti, author of the Plague Town series - Plague Town, Plague Nation  and the new Plague World (Ashley Parker Novel), who just got engaged!

* Author Melanie Karsak reports that she's been contacted by a Canadian producer to make her book The Harvesting  into a short film, with production in 2015. Wow!

Karsak also has a new Harvesting series novella, MIDWAY, coming out soon, possibly in August.

* And a belated congrats to author Armand Rosamilia, who just released Dying Days 4, and who also was recently engaged!

* Artist Rob Sacchetto runs a daily zombie comic on his website. Running now: Cape Fear.

* How about some summer reading? Check out the latest review for GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie by C.A. Verstraete. You can also read it as part of the Kindle Unlimited program.

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