for some great posts & prizes. See page tab at top or side logo for day one.)
** Also: hop by Jaime's blog for her interview with me and Bob the Zombie talking to Becca.

Jaime is author of the Bob the Zombie novella
series about a zombie with bad luck, which includes:
* See end of post for information on a new collection coming soon! (LOVE these covers and it's such a FUN series!!) Read more at her blog.
** Interview with Bob
the Zombie by Teenage Zombie, Becca:
** You always wonder what characters might think or do
outside their own little world. (Well, I do.) So, Becca, the main character
from Christine (C.A.) Verstraete’s novel. GIRL Z: My
Life as a Teenage Zombie, decided to ask Bob the Zombie (by Jaime
Johnesee) what his life was like.
It’s not every day (or at all), that Becca finds someone who
is also a zombie—and doesn’t want to attack or eat her for lunch. So when she
meets Bob, she’s pretty surprised (and he’s kind of cute, too!)
Becca: Hi Bob. I heard about you coming to town looking for
a video game. I was really surprised. I don’t know any (full?) zombies I would
actually want to be anywhere near, you know? How did you become a zombie? I
heard something about magic?
Bob: Hey there! Yeah, I'm here to pick up a vintage
Donkey Kong game for my friend Griff. His was accidentally destroyed by a skag
(group) of ghouls during a bar fight. As for how I became one of the oozing
undead, well, I'm not one of those vicious viral vagabonds. I was raised after death
by a necromancer. So, I'm pretty much the same fellow I was pre-mortem it's just that now things like toes tend
to fall off and on a hot day I need a lot more deodorant than I used to.
Becca: Whew, that’s good to know. I’ll have to tell my
cousin Carm. She, um, freaked out hearing about you and stayed home. I’ll tell
her it’s safe.
Bob: Yeah, unless she tries to take the last taco she's
perfectly safe with me.
Becca: Are there things you can’t do anymore? What do you
miss the most?
Bob: Well, I have a hard time going out in public. People in
my neck of the woods just think I'm some overzealous zombie cosplayer. As for
what I miss most, it has to be fruit salad. My digestive system can't handle
most fruits or vegetables. Lettuce, I'm okay with in small doses, but I really
miss peaches and cherries.
Becca: Are other zombies out to get you, too? Have you had
to fight them a lot?
Bob: Nope, the zoms in my area are all raised through magic
and are pretty nice folks. I did have a huge brawl with that skag of ghouls I
mentioned earlier. It has been referred to as the Great Undead American Brawl.
Okay, so it really hasn't been know far and wide as such, but it should be. So,
things are bad around here, huh?
Becca: Yeah, we’ve had a lot of fights here. Really scary stuff.
Do they scare you? What else does?
Bob: Mostly, I'm pretty scared by the Hunters. They're sort
of like the cops of supers (supernatural creatures) in my state. They'd make
the Boogeyman run to his momma crying. What about you?
Becca: Me? Dinnertime is pretty scary. I’m scared to even
try any “real” food anymore except my prescribed diet, though my protein shakes
aren’t bad—when I can taste them, of course. Are you lucky enough to get to eat
real stuff? What’s your favorite?
Bob: I'm so sorry to hear that. I have a different sort of
problem. We have to find out through trial and error which foods are safe to
eat and which lead to epic projectile vomiting. My favorite --thankfully, I can
still eat it-- is Mexican food. Tacos, if I get my druthers.
Becca: Oh… Mexican food. My favorite… well it was. My Momma
and Tia make enchiladas to die for. You know what I mean… So, what’s next for
Bob: Well, I'm not sure. I try to live by the 'one day at a
time' philosophy. So far I've been in a brawl, stopped an evil plot to hurt
someone close to me, had my first date with a zombie lady I'd been crushing on,
and I foiled a laundromat robbery. It's been a busy couple years and it doesn't
look to be slowing down.
** What does the author say about her character?
An Interview with Jaime Johnesee & an excerpt from Bob the Spy! **
Tell us a
little about Bob and how he came to be?
Jaime: Bob was a peripheral character in a novel I wrote for
some friends on a gaming site. He was inspired by my friends Nate and Face who
came onto the game in the role of goofy zombies. I added my own personality to
him and, voila, Bob was created.
Why do you write about zombies?
Jaime: I think they're a fantastic source for humor as well
as horror. I love reading about zombies. They have such deep and interesting
roots throughout our history. Tales of the undead started with our ability to
pass along stories and information and they've never stopped. I find that
simply amazing.
What made you use humor, which is pretty unique
in the zombie world?
Jaime: I wanted to go the zom-com (zombie comedy) route to
make these creatures --who are so often portrayed as mindless chewing
machines-- seem more human. Bob hurts, he hungers, he worries, and he loves,
all while rotting yet still remaining immortal.
Do you have a favorite monster or ghoul? Why?
Jaime: My favorite monster, aside from zombies, is shifters.
Though, in my world, shifters aren't truly monsters, they're simply people
afflicted with a virus.
** EXCERPT: From Bob the Spy:
Oh, while
I'm informing you on all things zombie, you ought to know that fire doesn't
really do a whole lot of damage either. Hurts a lot though. So far, I've not
been able to discover what can kill a zombie. I have discovered what can make
us smile, however. We love to dance.
every single member of our horde finds dancing to be the most fun one can have
outside of terrorizing the human populace. Sorry about that, but you have to
agree you all are pretty funny to watch when you're scared. I know I used to
is the number one thing we do as a horde to unwind. There's several clubs we
like to hit, but we usually end up at this cool neighborhood hangout called Martin's Bar. It's owned by our friend Griffin. He's one cool guy. He's actually an
expath and he can make you feel any
emotion he wants you to.
treats us as though we are family and not disgusting burdens thrust upon him by
the supernatural society. You can roll
your eyes all you want, but we get treated pretty poorly in most places.
Zombies are the third lowest species on the totem pole. We rank just above
djinn and congressmen.
** BOB The ZOMBIE NEWS!!! **
** COMING Early November! New Bob the
Zombie Collection - The Misadventures of Bob the Zombie not only includes all three novellas but will have a brand new novella and bonus short story! It includes some cool interior art and will be in a print version, too! (Oh, I have seen the new, original cover art (Jeffrey Kosh Graphics) and they are fantastic!!!)
Watch for the announcement and news on
Jaime's website or friend her on Facebook.