
Friday, May 12, 2017

Another May Reading List

Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time for Beach Reads!

Or, conversely, if you don’t have a beach to visit, just regular reading. Whatever your plans, I’ve compiled a list of books that are on my To Read list or Have Been Recently Read list that I recommend to others.

We’ll start with the zombie books.

The Girl with All the Gifts

Great new take on the zombie genre. I really enjoyed the book, and the movie wasn’t terrible either.

After the Cure

Another really fascinating new take on the zombie genre. I haven’t read the others in the series yet, but I will attempt to get to them at some point.

The Cold Beneath

This was written by one of my indie-author friends. Fantastic mix of steam punk and zombies and a little mystery. I really enjoyed it.

Non-zombie Books

Jurassic Park

I just finished reading this book to my boys. It’s been about 20 years since I last read it, and I apparently did not remember what happened in the story, so it was great to be reminded and surprised.

Aliens: Bug Hunt

This is my current read. I love pretty much anything that has to do with the Alien world, so I was thrilled when this book came out. I’ll let you know how it is.


In addition to all my other nerdish leanings, I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I just finished rereading the Thrawn trilogy recently—I should actually clarify that I relistened to it. I got the books on audio, but it’s just like rereading. I had originally read them several years ago, and I remembered better what happened in these books, but it was still fun to revisit them. I’m excited to see what happens in this book.

What books are on your list?

Also, if anyone is interested, May is Zombie Awareness Month, so I’m celebrating by giving away signed paper backs. This week I’m giving away Life After the Undead and Death to the Undead. Sign up for your chance to win some copies below!

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