
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Dr. Bowen #Mystery#1LineWed

Full speed ahead on my upcoming novella, The Haunting of Dr. Bowen, A Mystery in Lizzie Borden's Fall River! 

Here's a peek at more of the cover! And the book is in the formatter's hands.

After writing Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter, I wondered... how did coming on this horrific scene affect everyone else, including Lizzie's doctor and neighbor? What if Fall River was indeed haunted?

As in my Lizzie Borden book, this story also contains quotes from the real-life Borden trial, many of them sharing Dr. Bowen's own testimony.

And since it's #1LineWed - 1 Line Wednesday:

From The Haunting of Dr. Bowen, A Mystery in Lizzie Borden's Fall River:

"Why won't anyone believe me? Why, Phoebe, Why?"

Be sure to check the webpage, too, as I add more details!

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