
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Post-Zombie Recovery? What do recovered zombies really think?

Are zombies, pardon the pun, dying out?

Hopefully not, though new approaches are coming out.

Now this is intriguing, Zombie News reported that a new BBC TV series, "In the Flesh" is coming out  about those who are now "cured" and have recovered from what they are calling Partially Deceased Syndrome. Interesting footnote is the person coming back to their hometown, facing survivors and dealing with the guilt from their behavior - eating people. (Yikes! That's a horrid memory or flashback to have!)

Now, being cured of zombieism or maybe living with it in a different form  is not new.
In my upcoming zombie book, GIRL Z: My Life as a Teenage Zombie, the main character Becca is one of many who become infected but only turn into a part-zombie. She is not cannabalistic and modern medicine is working on a cure.

Author Angela Scott also had her protagonist in Wanted: Dead or Undead survive zombieism.

This new TV series puts a slightly different twist on zombies, though, helping you see more through their eyes as they "recover." While other books like Zombie, Ohio have touched somewhat on what someone turning zombie is going through via their point-of-view, it'll be interesting to fully experience a "recovered zombie's" thoughts... or will it simply be gross?

** What do you think? Would you want to get in their head or thoughts?

Here's the trailer:

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