Sunday, April 1, 2018

Blogging #AtoZChallenge

This month is the annual daily A to Z Blog Challenge. - A post daily except Sunday.

This post also will have all the links to my posts throughout the month so check here for anything you might have missed. See below what that could be!

It starts Today! No April Fooling! It's real. * Check out the full list of A to Z blogs here.

So unless something happens or I forget (possible) there will be new author, book, zombie, horror, whatever else posts this month. Be sure to check it out!

AND--- News - meaning reveals, contests, prizes, links, etc. -  of the New Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter and the sequel, Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter 2  -  will likely be coming up. And some things may NOT be on this blog but on my website blog - or in my newsletter,  (sign up at center top column) so you'll want to check there.... You won't want to miss that!! 

*I'll fill out the list below as I finish scheduling.

 ** Blogging A to Z Posts by Day: **

4/1 A - Home                       4/2 B - Lizzie Borden
4/3 C -  Changing Fiction, Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter                                 
4/4 D - Dunnhill series, The Baby on the Back Porch, Lucia Davis
4/5 E -  Plague in England, The Mortecani, Kelly Evans
 4/6  F -  Tips For Writing
4/7 G -  Ghosts and The Manifest, Anne Carmichael    
4/9 H -  International mystery, The Bone SHroud, Jean Rabe                           
4/10 I - Historical & ICKY Horror - Robert W. Walker, City of Serpents, The Heads Have Eyes
4/11 J - Haunt Jaunts with Courtney Mroch                               
   4/12 K -  What did Lizzie Borden's Doctor Know?The Haunting of Dr. Bowen, C.A. Verstraete
4/13  L  - April Reading List - mystery, thriller, zombie
4/14 M - Mystery Thriller Week
4/16 N-  New! Excerpts, Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter 1 and 2, C.A. Verstraete
       4/17 O  - 4/18 P - Oh,  Progress! Preview! Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter 2 -
 C.A. Verstraete
                 4/19 Q - Quite the puzzle! Jigsaw contest!!
 4/20 R  -  Nice Reviews! The Haunting of Dr. Bowen, C.A. Verstraete     
 4/21  S -  Shattered Lives series - Broken Dreams, Rissa Blakely - apocalypse, paranormal
4/23  T - TV Tropes with LC Champlin, author of Behold Darkness
4/24 U  - and  4/25 V  - Unbelievable New Vampire series (V-Wars) coming to Netflix!
4/26 W - When are the new Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter books coming? 
4/27  X - Exceptional!
4/28  Y -  FYI - Print copies coming of Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter 2: The Axe Will Fall, C.A. Verstraete   
4/30  Z  - Zombies, what else?

Thanks for stopping by and reading the posts. Don't forget to check out the reading lists and great books included here!

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