Friday, July 19, 2024

Happy Birthday Lizzie Borden!

 Lizzie Borden was born today in 1860.

One month and thirty-two years later she became an infamous legend after being arrested for allegedly killing her father and stepmother with an axe, and then being acquitted of the heinous crime.

Remember this rhyme?

Lizzie Borden took an axe, gave her mother 40 whacks....

Well, the count is wrong but... what really happened that day in August 1892?

Was she guilty? If so, why?

Find out in  Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter:

Here's an excerpt: 

Chapter One - Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter by C.A. Verstraete

Q. You saw his face covered with blood?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. Did you see his eyeball hanging out?

A. No, sir.

Q. Did you see the gashes where his face was laid open?

A. No, sir.

—Lizzie Borden at inquest, August 9-11, 1892


August 4, 1892

   Lizzie Borden drained the rest of her tea, set down her cup, and listened to the sound of furniture moving upstairs. My, my, for only ten o’clock in the morning my stepmother is certainly energetic. Housecleaning, already?


   For a moment, Lizzie forgot her plans to go shopping downtown. THUMP. There it went again. It sounded like her stepmother was rearranging the whole room. She paused at the bottom stair, her concern growing, when she heard another thump and then, the oddest of sounds—a moan. Uh-oh. What was that? Did she hurt herself?

   “Mrs. Borden?” Lizzie called. “Are you all right?”

   No answer.

   She wondered if her stepmother had taken ill, yet the shuffling, moving, and other unusual noises continued. Lizzie hurried up the stairs and paused outside the partially opened door. The strange moans coming from the room sent a shiver up her back.

   When she pushed the door open wider, all she could do was stare. Mrs. Abby Durfee Borden stood in front of the bureau mirror clawing at her reflected image. And what a horrid image it was! The sixty-seven-year-old woman’s hair looked like it had never been combed and stuck out like porcupine quills. Her usually spotless housedress appeared wrinkled and torn. Yet, that wasn’t the worst. Dark red spots—blood, Lizzie’s mind whispered—dotted the floor and streaked the sides, of the older woman’s dress and sleeves.

   Lizzie gazed about the room in alarm. The tips of Father’s slippers peeking out from beneath the bed also glistened with the same viscous red liquid. All that blood! What happened here? What happened?

   She gasped, which got the attention of Mrs. Borden, who jerked her head and growled. Lizzie choked back a cry of alarm. Abby’s square, plain face now appeared twisted and ashen gray. Her eyes, once bright with interest, stared from under a milky covering as if she had cataracts. She resembled a female version of The Portrait of Dorian Gray. Another growl and a moan, and the older woman lunged, arms rigid, her stubby hands held out like claws.

   “Mrs. Borden, Abby!” Lizzie yelled and stumbled backward as fast as she could. “Abby, do you hear me?”

   Her stepmother shuffled forward, her steps slow but steady. She showed no emotion or sense of recognition. The only utterances she made were those strange low moans.

   Lizzie moved back even further, trying to keep out of reach of Mrs. Borden’s grasping fingers. Then her foot hit something. Lizzie quickly glanced down at the silver hairbrush that had fallen to the floor. Too late, she realized her error.

   “No!” Lizzie shivered at the feel of her stepmother’s clammy, cold hand around her wrist. “Abby, what happened? What’s wrong with you?”

 * Get more details at

 Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter & Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter 2: The Axe Will Fall.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Behind the Shadows II Kickstarter Begins!


 * Get in on the BEHIND THE SHADOWS II Kickstarter beginning JULY 3 for special perks, daily posts, and who's who's in the horror lite anthology. Also check the Facebook page for updates.

Includes my eerie, creepy Twilight-Zoneish story, "Blink!" 

I loved writing this story! Tommy wakes to a new world and wonders why no one else "sees" what is going on but him!  A little weird and even funny at times!

Monday, July 1, 2024

It's that time! Summer of #Zombie!

If you like reading about zombies, then July is for you!

Summer of Zombie is now underway all month on Facebook with 12 authors of some fantastic zombie books! (Be sure to join the group to get in on daily posts and more!) And there's a fantastic giveaway at the end of the month. Sign up at Rafflecopter, also in the Summer of Zombie group at the link above.

Event authors include: (See their links for more info.)

Armand Rosamilia Dying Days

Courtney Konstantin Babysitter of the Apocalypse Book 1
Scott Baker Nurse Alissa vs. the Zombies
Adam Best Iron Bones: Infection
Allen Gamboa Operation Zulu: Last Mission
Baileigh Higgins Last Another Day
JM. Anderson 70 Miles Out
R Jade Lazlow Viral Dawn
Alexander Bailey Fall of River City Book 1
Alathia Paris Morgan Moms Against Zombies
A.M. Geever Undead Impact


 * My book, Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter was in the Winter of Zombie Facebook event. 

Here is the Day 6  post. See Day 21 for a view of the crime from Lizzie's perspective.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Noncorporeal II Ghosts Anthology Pre-Order!


The anthology, Noncorporeal II, featuring my story, "Secrets of the Last Mine," is now going up for pre-order on various sites! A spooky mix of stories from near-horror to sci-fi and more! See author list.

  * Get the paperback at Amazon- paperback & e-book: B&N

* Get the e-book version from Apple, Kobo and other sites; see links here.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Lucky me! #Stokercon Reading!


 As I've never been (and maybe I'll get to go if they have StokerCon in Chicago or Milwaukee someday,) but a nice Facebook friend Valerie offered up an extra program for free and I was lucky enough to get my name in early!

Expected a small booklet like most cons, but this is a hefty 326+ pages and has lots of short stories, interviews, and more, so really looking forward to reading this! 

Now I'll somehow have to get that special StokerCon Weird Tales edition No.369 with stories by past winners. I'm usually writing some kind of horror, so it pays to read what the better-known authors are writing! There are so many good anthologies coming out (horror and mystery, but I just can't buy them all. Sadly, not all are in the library, either. Maybe the library will have the Weird Tales edition so I'll do some checking!)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Somnium Book Tour

 Looking for something eerie to read? 

Deidre Swinden is the author of Somnium, where Gillian Hardie experiences nightmares so intense they threaten her very existence, thanks to a glitch in Somnium Corporation's groundbreaking dream advertising technology. Every night, her sleep unleashes monsters that her body reacts to as if they were real, pushing her to the edge of despair.

Armed with her lucid dreaming skills, Gillian battles these horrors, but when an accident traps her in a perpetual dream state, she must rely on Nathan Keller, a nightmare warrior, and Dex Cooper, an Operator, to navigate this nightmarish reality. With her darkest fears manifesting like never before, Gillian faces a race against time to survive a threat that could unleash unimaginable horrors from the depths of her mind.

Dive into a story that explores the shadowy boundaries of fear and technology. For fans of cutting-edge psychological thrillers and high-stakes survival horror, this novel promises a journey through the darkest corridors of the human psyche, where the next dream could be your last. Join Gillian in her fight against the darkest corners of her mind—before it’s too late. - Get it at Amazon.

** Hear more - see Author Interview on YouTube.

About the Author:
A successful writer/editor in the corporate world for more than two decades, Deirdre Swinden is currently living and writing in North Carolina. She received an MFA in Creative Writing from Arcadia University and has published short stories in Griffel Literary Magazine and Grim & Gilded. Early in her writing career, she won the Popular Short Story Contest at the 2000 Philadelphia Writers’ Conference with her short work, “Shooting Televisions." Find her at - X/TWITTER - @DeirdreSwinden - FACEBOOK



Thursday, May 23, 2024

New story & Horror Anthology Coming!

 I've been remiss on posting here so I'll add details I shared on the other blog.

Any news can be regularly found at my website,

My story, "Blink!", will be coming soon in the Shadows II horror anthology from Inkd Publishing. (See their Facebook page.) The story is a bit gruesome, but not gorey. It's more creepy-weird-Twilight Zoneish. This one was fun to write!

*** There will be a Kickstarter for the anthology starting in July. Check out the page here and sign up to get in on some cool stuff!