Monday, August 23, 2021

The Love-Haight Case Files Blog Tour #mystery #paranormal

 Time to walk on the spooky side in the Love-Haight Ashbury district in CA where all things paranormal reign! 

Welcome to the blog tour for The Love-Haight Case Files, Book 1, Seeking Supernatural Justice  by Jean Rabe and Donald J. Bingle. Read the excerpt and see the giveaway below.

About The Love-Haight Case Files, Book 1:   

   Thomas Brock and Evelyn Love are attorneys who crusade for the rights of OTs—Other-Than-Humans. Their clients include ghosts, gargoyles, vampires, and things that have not yet been given names. The city’s OT element is sometimes malevolent, sometimes misunderstood, and often discriminated against. Brock and Love represent them, whatever the case, whatever the species. Magic hangs heavy in San Francisco, and danger and intrigue is as thick as the fog around the Golden Gate Bridge.

 Love-Haight is a comedy, locked within a mystery, hidden in a horror story... Wonderfully clever, stylish, and ghoulish. Delightfully twisted fun! —William C. Dietz, New York Times bestselling creator of The Legion of the Damned

 Making the freakiest burg in the nation ten times freakier is a considerable achievement. —Glen Cook, bestselling author of The Black Company series


 The judge nodded thoughtfully at the “death sentence” comment, and Thomas grimaced. It was a good argument, one he expected Wyndam-Smyth to bring out, but he could punch a sizeable hole in it. 

   “Your Honor.” Thomas kept his composure, though he gripped the edge of the table so hard his knuckles turned white. “We disagree with that point.”

Evelyn put down her pen and reached into Thomas’s briefcase, bringing out a sheet of paper printed with times and dates. She slid it in front of him.

“Ms. Wyndam-Smyth is not well-versed in the nature of ghouls. If I may?”

The judge looked at his watch and gestured for Thomas to continue.

“Zombies fancy live flesh, fresh kills. Ghouls eat dead flesh, preferring that which has already decayed. And the longer dead, the better. Ghouls buy corpses to eat from supply houses. Much like we’d visit the butcher counter at the market.” Thomas knew, however, that not all ghouls used those “civilized” channels for their “groceries.”

“Mr. Holder is clearly a ghoul, contracting the fever that led to his condition while vacationing with his then-wife Marilee in the United Arab Emirates early last spring. As the children are very much alive, they are in no danger of being eaten by their father.”

“Fine. We concede that ghouls eat dead flesh,” Wyndam-Smyth said. “But eating dead flesh is also an abhorrent practice the children should not be exposed to.”

“Really?” Score again. Thomas referred to the sheet of paper. “On May twelfth at five p.m. and May fourteenth at six p.m. Marilee Cobb took her children to McDonald’s for cheeseburger Happy Meals. On May fifteenth, they ventured to Arby’s for roast beef, the sixteenth to Burger King for Whopper Juniors, the seventeenth for pork tenderloins at Culver’s, the eighteenth back to McDonalds, the nineteenth for chicken tenders at the Colonel’s, and on May twenty-second, after apparently eating dinner at home for two days, she broke with the nutritionally-questionable fast food routine and took them—much to their dismay, my private investigator points out—to Warakubune Sushi on Church Street.”

“Your Honor!” Wyndam-Smyth crossed her arms. “This has nothing to do with—”

“Dead flesh, Your Honor. McDonald’s, Arby’s, Burger King, Culver’s, the Colonel’s, even Warakubune… though that wasn’t cooked. Dead flesh, all of it. Marilee Cobb fed her children a variety of dead flesh. You can’t object to my client’s dietary preference when—”

“Seriously?” Wyndam-Smyth had lost her professional cool. “There is no comparison. You’re mincing words, Mr. Brock, arguing semantics. Above all, the children are better off with their mother. Children need their mother.”

Holder’s upper lip curled menacingly for the briefest of moments.

The judge rested his jowls in his hands.

 * * *

 ** There’s a tour-wide giveaway for a 35.00 BN gift certificate! Open to US residents only. There is also one for our bloggers! If above link doesn't work, enter here.

* You're gonna love this fun, unique series!! 


Monday, August 9, 2021

Save the Cat! Writes for TV Blog Tour #screenwriting

 If you're interested in writing TV scripts, then this is a fascinating, step-by-step approach to doing just that.

 Dubbed "The Last Book on Creating Binge-Worthy Content You'll Ever Need," Save the Cat! Writes for TV  by screenwriter Jamie Nash is based on the noted Blake Snyder Save the Cat! writing principles to offer a step-by-step approach for writers at any level.

 Steps include: 
* How to write and structure a compelling TV pilot.
* All the nuances, tricks, and techniques of pilot-writing: the Opening Pitch, the Guided Tour, the Whiff of Change, and more* -The 8 Save the Cat! TV Franchise Types that will improve your story and your pitch
 * The not-so-secret TV Pitch Template that turns your TV series into the necessary read-over-lunch industry document
* A how-to in creating layered characters who are driven by complex internal struggles
* Study "Beat sheets" of the pilots of shows like Barry, Ozark, Grey's Anatomy, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, What We Do in the Shadows, Black-ish, The Mandalorian, This Is Us, Law and Order: SVU and more.

Review: This is an interesting study in screenwriting for those (like me!) who haven't tried it and wanted to get a taste of that style of writing. Easy to follow chapters and steps allow even the novice to feel they can try their hand at scriptwriting and get decent results. Note: Book was supplied by publisher. 

Create your binge-worthy TV series with Save the Cat! Writes for TV.
Read more about this book on Amazon: