You can't help but wonder sometimes - just who is that person behind the book or story? What do they do when they're not writing? What are their interests or hobbies?
Well, this new series will lift the veil a bit and show you who these various authors are outside of their creations!
Today, my first guest is Mary Cunningham, author of the middle grade Cynthia's Attic series and the mystery, Margaritas, Mayhem & Murder, Andi Anna Jones Mystery Book 1. (Get Margaritas, Mayhem & Murder on sale half off through July at Smashwords.)
She talks about one of my favorite topics, genealogy. And in this case, it seems those old family tales had some truth to them!
Discovering (and writing about) My Ancestors
Thanks, Christine, for inviting me to share my hobby with
your blog readers. While I love sports (I’m a tomboy from waaaaay back), swim,
and play a little golf, my first love, after reading and writing of course, is
Family Search has become one of my favorite websites. I’ve
traced my family tree, on my mother’s side, back to kings and queens in
England, France, and Scotland.
I relax by digging up research about my ancestors. Sometimes
I relax, too much, and hours have gone by before I know it! My time and
interest in family members and stories paid off, however, by sparking a
five-book middle-grade series, Cynthia’s Attic.
When I realized a recurring dream I’d had for almost 20 years was about a mysterious attic was in the home of my childhood best friend,
Cynthia, the writing, and my search for characters, began. It didn’t take long
to realize genealogy could provide some interesting characters.

So, when I came up with the book idea to send Augusta Lee
(Gus) and her best friend, Cynthia, back in time to meet their 12-year-old
grandmothers, Bess and Clara, I found the perfect opportunity to honor my
ancestors by sharing adventures with them.
Besides my grandmother, I wrote about my dad, my mother,
great-grandparents, Charles and Samantha, and even my great-great-grandparents;
the best story of all!

Lots of speculation surrounded his disappearance. Did he
simply vanish into the streets of New Orleans to escape the responsibility of
providing for five children (four additional children died in infancy) and a
wife, Marie Julia, who had a somewhat less than sparkling personality? (See for yourself!) Or... was he murdered for a boat full of corn and soybeans?
That sounded implausible, even when I was a 10-year-old!

The third book in the Cynthia’s
Attic series, Curse of the Bayou, is loosely based on that fateful trip. The
two best friends time-travel back to Louisiana to see if they can discover what
happened to Augustus, or Beau, as he’s portrayed in the story. Do they find him?
Guess you’ll just have to read the book!
Bottom line is, I wish I’d
spent more time “researching” my relatives while they were still alive. Oh,
the stories I could’ve written about their childhood, or
what they remembered about their parents and grandparents. While I enjoy
writing fantasy, I sometimes wonder how exciting the real story could’ve been.
Don’t you?
About the Author:
Through a horrifying
stint as a travel agent and a more rewarding experience teaching travel and tourism,
Andi Anna Jones, travel agent/amateur
sleuth, sprang to life in her latest, Margaritas, Mayhem & Murder, Andi
Anna Jones Mystery Book 1. Book 2 is on the way!
When not writing, she enjoys golf, swimming
and exploring the mountains of West Georgia with her husband or spending time with their three children, two granddaughters, a grandson, great-grandson, and an adopted, four-legged,
furry daughter, Lucy.
Mary Cunningham
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Thanks, Christine! I hope your readers enjoy stories about my ancestors. Btw, Margaritas, Mayhem & Murder is on sale thru July on Smashwords for half price.