Her latest post on dogs got me thinking....
In it, she underlines the importance and value of dogs, which she also includes in her upcoming book.
Everyone should have a dog...
Did You Know?
Yes, even the infamous Lizzie Borden had dogs, namely three Boston Terriers, which also were a "fashionable" breed at the time.
Well, someone who loves dogs can't be all bad... right? It is one redeeming quality, though someone might say that despite having but a few loyal friends and staff, Lizzie still had to be lonely.
She was acquitted of the crimes a year after the horrific 1892 axe (hatchet) murders of her father and stepmother, but she remained a social pariah. Not convicted, but guilty nonetheless. This year marks the 125th anniversary of the Borden murders.
Even Lizzie and her sister had a falling out and never talked again. But she had her dogs. They are buried in the Pine Ridge Pet Cemetery in Dedham, MA.

So, here's the first line for #1 Line Wednesday - and I've included a bit more of an excerpt, which happens further into the book. ** I hope you'll get a copy - and please leave a review. Even a line or two helps! I seem to be stuck at #32! ** (new 2nd edition & new cover!)
** Excerpt from Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter,
The only change Lizzie was certain Emma disliked had been her decision to get a dog. “Emma, I know how you feel about dogs, but I decided to bring the most darling
Boston Terrier home. I promise to keep
out of your way upstairs.”
Oddly enough, once the actual danger passed and those who had left in the height of the
attacks began returning
to their homes, Lizzie soon learned that her former status as the local pariah had not changed a whit.
When she took the
for a morning
walk down
the street, any neighbors who appeared outside at the same time pretended not to see her. They turned
their backs on her or hurried inside. It hurt, she had to admit, and soon she
confined her outdoor excursions to her gardens and the area around
own house. She and
the dog had to be content in
their own backyard.
you are awesome